IN THE ATELIER: Wāhine Māori in tech delegation; Influential Trajectories; Hard Investigations. DETECTING: International Futures Forum Stirling Gathering.
Thanks. Very much agree. To summarise playfully*, we must all be careful about using 'we', especially the difference between what Lydia calls the 'earnt we' (eg of her life partnership) and the 'unearnt we', where we are speaking on behalf of others without the necessary connection and consent.
Re Kate Raworth’s ‘we’ you might appreciate this new post by the excellent Lydia Catterall
Also, I belatedly notice that @LydiaCatterall liked the post. What a coincidence!
Thanks. Very much agree. To summarise playfully*, we must all be careful about using 'we', especially the difference between what Lydia calls the 'earnt we' (eg of her life partnership) and the 'unearnt we', where we are speaking on behalf of others without the necessary connection and consent.
*or hoped-for playfulness.